Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder shrouded by an unfair stigma and cultural stereotypes. Although schizophrenia affects less than 1% of the population in the US, misrepresentation in movies and TV, along with the sheer amount of false information online, have diluted the facts about this chronic mental disorder. For those who don't know any better, hearing the word 'schizophrenia' brings to mind an incurable condition with the only treatment being an isolated life sentence in a mental institution. This unfounded stigma could not be farther from the truth.
Did you know the rate of overdose deaths from anti-anxiety drugs alone increased fourfold from 1996 to 2013? And there's a common misconception that anti-anxiety medication is safe because it's prescribed by a doctor?
But that's not always the case.
Let's take a look at a few anti-anxiety drugs most commonly abused by people under 30.
At a certain point, pornography viewing ceases to be merely a bad habit and becomes an obsessive-compulsive addiction. Those caught in this cycle can recognize the stages in their pornography viewing habits. From the initial sexual thoughts, a feeling of fear and a desire to avoid watching are triggered; despite these feelings, the compulsion to watch pornography is too great, leading to a sense of shame and guilt after watching. While a person trapped in this cycle will vow to never watch pornography again, sexual thoughts recur and lead to another round of this pattern.
If you recognize these symptoms of pornography addiction in yourself, here are the steps you can take to overcome your addiction.
Many people find it difficult to admit they’re introverts, because introverts are often seen as people that don’t like being around other people. However, introverts simply gain energy from time alone; it doesn’t mean that they don’t enjoy being with others. Being an introvert can come with some challenges, particularly during the summer months.
An effective way of dealing with memories and intense self-reflection is journaling.
A way of “letting go,” jotting down your feelings is an important part of your addiction recovery. Whether you are dependent on a substance or a behavior, Pathway Real Life Recovery is here to help bring order into your life by assisting you in your battle against addiction. There are irreplaceable tools in any battle, recovery journaling is a tool that plays an important role in restoring good mental and physical health free of chaos.
It's sometimes tough to feel good about your body in the summer when all over the media and magazines feature lose weight fast articles or fad diets to get your beach body. We all worry about our height, weight, scars, or the size of our bodies in various ways. However, you should know that it's possible to celebrate being healthy, and you can be happy and goofy on the beach while loving who you are. Though it might be tough to feel great in the summer, especially at the beginning, we want to offer some tips to help you celebrate your fabulous body. Here are some tips you can follow to stay positive about your body all summer long.
Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder shrouded by an unfair stigma and cultural stereotypes. Although schizophrenia affects less than 1% of the population in the US, misrepresentation in movies and TV, along with the sheer amount of false information online, have diluted the facts about this chronic mental disorder. For those who don't know any better, hearing the word 'schizophrenia' brings to mind an incurable condition with the only treatment being an isolated life sentence in a mental institution. This unfounded stigma could not be farther from the truth.
Did you know the rate of overdose deaths from anti-anxiety drugs alone increased fourfold from 1996 to 2013? And there's a common misconception that anti-anxiety medication is safe because it's prescribed by a doctor?
But that's not always the case.
Let's take a look at a few anti-anxiety drugs most commonly abused by people under 30.
At a certain point, pornography viewing ceases to be merely a bad habit and becomes an obsessive-compulsive addiction. Those caught in this cycle can recognize the stages in their pornography viewing habits. From the initial sexual thoughts, a feeling of fear and a desire to avoid watching are triggered; despite these feelings, the compulsion to watch pornography is too great, leading to a sense of shame and guilt after watching. While a person trapped in this cycle will vow to never watch pornography again, sexual thoughts recur and lead to another round of this pattern.
If you recognize these symptoms of pornography addiction in yourself, here are the steps you can take to overcome your addiction.
Many people find it difficult to admit they’re introverts, because introverts are often seen as people that don’t like being around other people. However, introverts simply gain energy from time alone; it doesn’t mean that they don’t enjoy being with others. Being an introvert can come with some challenges, particularly during the summer months.
An effective way of dealing with memories and intense self-reflection is journaling.
A way of “letting go,” jotting down your feelings is an important part of your addiction recovery. Whether you are dependent on a substance or a behavior, Pathway Real Life Recovery is here to help bring order into your life by assisting you in your battle against addiction. There are irreplaceable tools in any battle, recovery journaling is a tool that plays an important role in restoring good mental and physical health free of chaos.
It's sometimes tough to feel good about your body in the summer when all over the media and magazines feature lose weight fast articles or fad diets to get your beach body. We all worry about our height, weight, scars, or the size of our bodies in various ways. However, you should know that it's possible to celebrate being healthy, and you can be happy and goofy on the beach while loving who you are. Though it might be tough to feel great in the summer, especially at the beginning, we want to offer some tips to help you celebrate your fabulous body. Here are some tips you can follow to stay positive about your body all summer long.
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230 W Towne Ridge Pkwy
Suite 150
Sandy, UT 84070
Phone: 801.509.9442
Email info@pathwaysreallife.com