Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is one of the United States’ most common mental disorders. GAD can make normal daily functioning difficult and cause a diminished quality of life for people suffering from this disorder. The most successful treatment for generalized anxiety disorder typically involves a program of therapies customized for the individual. Treatment can include psychotherapy and possibly medication, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Both approaches have been very effective.
Topics covered on this page:
- What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
- Diagnosing Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Treatment for GAD at Pathways
- Best Addiction and Mental Health Treatment Center in Utah
Pathways effective and evidence-based therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder Treatment can help you live a stress-free happy life.
What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
Generalized anxiety disorder is a common mental disorder characterized by excessive worry. GAD makes performing the normal activities of daily life very difficult for people suffering from the disorder. Treatment for generalized anxiety disorder typically involves psychotherapy and/or anti-depressant medications. Inpatient depression treatment for GAD is most effective in some cases.
Diagnosing Generalized Anxiety Disorder
GAD is frequently misdiagnosed, unfortunately. Symptoms are too often erroneously attributed to physical causes. A thorough diagnostic process helps in providing an accurate assessment. Your doctor or mental health care provider will likely use some or all of the following diagnostic methods to provide you with a diagnosis for a generalized anxiety disorder:
- Take detailed information from you about your symptoms.
- Ask you for full details of your medical history.
- Conduct a complete physical exam to discover any medical issues that may cause anxiety.
- Analyze any potential links between the medications you’re taking and your anxiety.
- Gather psychological information through questionnaires to help with diagnosis.
- Conduct blood or urine testing, or other testing, if a health condition may be involved.
- Apply criteria provided in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).
Treatment for GAD at Pathways
Our caring treatment team can help you overcome your generalized anxiety disorder and address related health issues, if applicable. Decisions about symptoms treatment for anxiety attacks are based on a number of factors. The primary consideration is how seriously the GAD is impacting your functionality during your day-to-day life.
The two most effective options for the treatment of GAD are psychotherapy and/or medication. Many people respond best to a combination of those two. It may be necessary to try each or combine them to see which approach works best for you. Inpatient rehab for depression and anxiety is the best option for some individuals.
Psychotherapy in GAD Treatment
Psychotherapy (a.k.a. “talk therapy”) involves counseling sessions with a therapist. This approach to GAD treatment helps reduce symptoms of anxiety in many people. Cognitive-behavioral therapy has been the most effective psychotherapeutic treatment for GAD.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is typically a short-term treatment application focused on developing certain skills that can help you directly manage worry and ultimately resume activities you have been avoiding due to your anxiety. The process is designed to help you build on your success in the therapy and alleviate your anxiety symptoms.
Medications in GAD Treatment
There are multiple kinds of medication for GAD treatment. Discuss the benefits, potential side effects, and risks of these and any other medications that may be recommended for you as part of your treatment for generalized anxiety disorder symptoms. These are the most commonly prescribed medications for GAD:
- Antidepressants: This includes the classes of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRI). Some specific antidepressants prescribed for GAD treatment include paroxetine (Paxil, Pexeva), escitalopram (Lexapro), venlafaxine (Effexor XR), and duloxetine (Cymbalta).
- Benzodiazepines: These are sedatives typically prescribed for brief relief of acute anxiety symptoms. This class of medications can be addictive, so they are not a good option for people who have a history of drug or alcohol abuse.
- Buspirone: This anti-anxiety medication is more appropriate for long-term use. Like the majority of types of antidepressants, Buspirone usually must be taken for up to several weeks to reach full effectiveness.
Get Started Feeling Better Now with Pathways GAD Treatment
We are an addiction and mental health treatment center in Utah. All members of our treatment staff are available to you 24/7, so you will never reach a recording. You will always reach a therapist! At Pathways. We do not use a one-size-fits-all treatment strategy. You will have a thoroughly personalized program of care that meets your therapeutic needs and your vision for the outcome of your treatment.