
Why Addiction Recovery Didn't Work Out… Again

How Frustrated Are You With Addiction Recovery?

Whether you've attempted rehab in the past and were unsuccessful or you are considering rehab for the first time, it's important to understand the challenges that many people just like you face throughout the process. After all, while some people are able to "get clean" after just one attempt at rehab, many people find that it takes several attempts to kick their habits for good.

By understanding the biggest obstacles you're likely to face in rehab, you'll be able to better prepare yourself and ultimately overcome them.

You Can’t Force Someone Into Rehab

First and foremost, you can't expect rehabilitation to be successful if you're not 100% willing and committed to getting better. Even totally motivated individuals who willingly check themselves into rehab have a difficult time, so you can't expect to be successful if your heart isn't in it. Don't agree to go to rehab just because a loved one is making you feel obligated. Lasting sobriety only happens through hard work and commitment. Treatment gives you the tools and skills, but it's up to you to put them into practice in your life. You are the owner of your recovery.  Do it for yourself.

Stigma in Seeking Help

Another common reason as to why people struggle with rehab is the overall stigma that some rehabilitation centers have. Many people struggling with addiction feel down on themselves and see attending rehab as a sign that they're a failure, but this couldn't be further from the truth.

In fact, those who can acknowledge that they need help and are willing to reach out to others to receive that help are among the strongest people in the world. There's no shame in seeking help to overcome your addiction, and you deserve treatment from compassionate professionals who want to see you succeed.

At Pathways, we help individuals know that they deserve better. We teach them the skills, then give them the tools to grow and maintain this bel

ief. We don’t want people to feel bad about themselves based on their addiction. We want people to feel great about themselves regardless of their former addiction.

why rehab fails

Not All Drug Rehab Centers Offer the Types of Evidence Based Treatment That We Know Works

More than likely, you've heard of the "12-step program" to overcoming addiction. However, while some people swear by this method of treatment, the fact remains that this method doesn't work for everybody. After all, not all rehabilitation patients will benefit from speaking openly in a group setting about their addictions. Therefore, if you've tried this method before and didn't have success with it, maybe it's time to find a rehabilitation clinic that offers individualized treatment options based on your unique situation.

Lack of Adequate Insurance Coverage

One of the most devastating reasons as to why people don't finish rehab is that they have trouble affording it. Sadly, not all medical insurance policies completely cover rehabilitation costs, and most don’t provide adequate coverage.

Too many rehabilitation centers these days treat addiction as an illness, but in reality, it's a disease that requires long-term care. As such, it's important for those seeking to overcome addiction to find a clinic that will both work with them financially and provide treatment options that span longer than the typical 28- to 30-day period.

Poor Support System

Having the right support system while going through rehab can make all the difference in your success. After all, if you feel alone in the journey to sobriety, you're less likely to be successful in the long run. As such, an important part of the recovery process will involve closely analyzing your relationships and determining which ones are worth keeping.

"Friends" who have no shame in drinking or using drugs around somebody who's recovering should have no place in your life, for they obviously don't respect your struggle and support your efforts. Instead, surround yourself with people who will understand and help you avoid your triggers while providing you with emotional support along the way.

Also understand that, while in rehab, you may be required to break off contact with your family and loved ones for a short period of time. This is done to help you learn how to be a strong person on your own. Of course, you shouldn't ever feel "trapped" in a program that secludes you from your loved ones; work with a clinic that will involve your loved ones in your treatment process. At Pathways we employ a whole family approach. We do therapy from the patient’s home with the whole family present so everyone is provided with ample amounts of training, guidance, and support. The whole family learns how to empower vs enable their loved one who is struggling with addiction, and we can handle triggers at the source, and obtain amazing results

A "One-Size-Fits-All" Mentality

In order to have the best chances of success when it comes to your rehab treatment, you'll need to have as much one-on-one counseling and personalized treatment as possible. If you're at a rehab center that believes in the "one-size-fits-all" treatment ideology, you're less likely to be successful.

After all, no two people are the same. Everybody has different triggers, different ways of coping, and different challenges when overcoming an addiction. This is why it's so important to find a rehabilitation center with compassionate staff members who will take the time to get to know your unique situation. From there, they can build a treatment option that has the best chances for success based on your needs and learning style.

There are dozens of different approaches out there when it comes to treatment for an addiction, so don't subscribe to the belief that there's a universal method that works for everybody. And if one treatment method doesn't work for you the first time around, understand that there are plenty of other options worth trying.

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Utah Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center

There's no denying that you'll encounter at least a few of these challenges in your rehabilitation process. However, now that you're aware of how to cope with these struggles and overcome them, you'll be in a better position to succeed. With help from our dedicated, knowledgeable, and compassionate staff here at Pathways Real Life Recovery, you'll have the best chances for a happy, healthy life ahead.


Michelle Amerman
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230 W Towne Ridge Pkwy 
Suite 150
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Phone: (801) 895-3006
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